The Many Gifts Of Venus Wisdom with Sasha Rose

Join myself and Sasha Rose, Sagittarius storyteller, Aquarian visionary astrologer and Scorpio Venus deep diving truth seeker for a dynamic conversation exploring Venus Wisdom!

Sasha founded Venus Wisdom to guide visionary women of heart to sync with Venus as a transformative journey. After 11 years of devotion to understanding the map and magic of the Venus cycle, she was called upon as an expert to guide entrepreneurs and creators on how to harness the power of the Venus as support on our transformational journey.

Sasha Rose created the Venus Wisdom Village to be a vibrant multi-generational online village that brings together female visionaries to sync with Venus and The Lioness Wisdom Circle as a space to discover the 5 Dimensions of our Venus Design to amplify our feminine wisdom.

In mainstream culture Venus has been relegated to the realm of beauty and dating but she illuminates cyclic intelligence, which is feminine wholeness. Her dance with the Sun is the cosmic heart beat - the code of life.

The themes of this current Venus in Leo cycle are sovereignty, creative power and prosperity.

If you are a sacred rebel, a heroine or hero on a quest to bring your unique gifts to the world, you may want to learn more about how the Venus cycle serves as a inspiration and energetic container for our own heroineā€™s journey of self-discovery.

Revitalize your courage to walk your path of purpose in 2024.

Enjoy an afternoon of offerings from a diverse group of wise women including a Kriya practice, an Akashic journey with Gaia, a Human Design forecast, music, guidance on connecting with our animal companions and astrology with a focus on embodiment and the feminine principle.

You can find all the details here: